Production Photos

Vacations, weddings, maybe even a-day-at-the-beach. Every time we plan to do anything that might one day be classified as experience, we need to bring the camera along. We feel our experience is in a permanent state of audition before our memory, afraid that without proof, a historical record, even our own memory will play like history, casting someone else in the hero's role. Alas, theater sometimes tries to be one of those planned wannabe experiences we attempt to record.

Many times the theater Thieves has done is such fun remembering and talking about, that we get lazy to the present. Also, why challenge The Legendery Thieves Theatre to a duel in the sun, when you can stay up all night partying with them and their friends? Or drinking beer at picnics and barbeques and talking about the glory days. The strange fact is that theater for us is a more pleasant thing to (re)member than to live through. Even something all fun like the following Mermaid Parade seems to become more pleasant in memory.

But don't be deceived. The following is an anti-audition. The Squirmaid Float won first place. So what? Try winning with the same float in '97, why don't you? Fun. I'll show you fun. Just wait until next year, you has-beens.

Experience studies memory like a boxer studies the fight films of his challenger and competition, looking for weaknesses. I predict a KO before the last round.

The Anti-Auditions Web Page

SQUIRMAID and friends

The Last Stand

Trash, the City, and Death

The Marat/Sade

Travelling Light

The Human Voice

The Maids