rat meet
October 3-6, 2002
University of San Francisco, CA
Meeting point: Lone Mountain Campus
Turk Boulevard between Parker Avenue and Temescal Terrace
(Come here first. Check front entrance for notices. The Drama Department, and the offices of Peter, Roberto and Erik are on the third floor.)
For campus map: http://www.usfca.edu/online/gen_info/map_c.html
Important contacts:
PETER NOVAK - novakp@usfca.edu Contact re: housing needs
ERIK EHN - shadowtackle@worldnet.att.net
JACK BENTZ - jbentzsj@hotmail.com
Thursday, October 3
5pm: The scheme of things - Novak, Varea, Ehn @ Xavier Chapel
6: Meal prepared and shared; introductions
9: Performances @ Presentation Theater, 2130 Fulton Avenue (off Masonic Ave.)
Friday, October 4th
9am: Breakfast
9:30-11: Claudia Bernardi – Forensic Anthropology and Art, El Salvador &
Argentina; Roberto Varea, Performance & Social Change, US & Argentina
@ Xavier Hall (chapel) USF Lower Campus, 2497 Golden Gate Ave.
11-12: Open Panel @ Xavier Hall (chapel)
Noon: Lunch
1-2: Yuyachkani One - "Rosa Cuchillo," by Ana Correa, Outdoor Performance
@ Harney Plaza (in front of University Center Building, Lower Campus),
Contemporary Political Theater, Peru
2-4: Panel: Land Mass Mission - Personal, anecdotal reports from Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas @ Xavier Hall (chapel)
Equal Access
Christine Evans
Dijana Milosevic
Segun Ojewuyi
Diane Way
Yayuchkani: Ana Correa & Augusto Casafranca
4:30-6: Charles Mulekwa on his work as a playwright and director in Uganda
6:15: Dinner
7:30-9: Soapstone Theater Company, "Boxing With Ghosts," Company of
Survivors of Violent Crime, San Fracisco, USA @ Presentation Theater
9-9:30: Dialogue with Soapstone
Saturday, October 5th
8:30am: Breakfast
9-10:30: Start-Up Theater, Bay Area @ Xavier Hall (chapel)
11:30-2: Brown Bag Lunch. Evelyn Hernandez Street Action @ Mission Neighborhood
3-6: Panel II: Cross-Media-Sharing struggles, sharing secrets @Xavier Hall
Richard Kamler (visual artist)
Cherrie Moraga (playwriting)
Kristin Kosanovich (dance)
Nora Strejilevich (writer)
Allen Whitman (music)
6:30: Dinner
7:30-10:30: Spoken Word – Zel Miller, USA & Yuyachkani Two: "Adios
Ayacucho," by Augusto Casafrance, Peru @ Presentation Theater
Sunday, October 6th
9am: Breakfast
10-11: Open
11-12: Sum – what we’ve heard, what’s next @ Presentation Theater
12-1: Lunch
2-4: San Francisco County Jail #7. RSVP Performance Exchange & Conversation with inmates