In my translation of The Crow to paper, the book was the cover was the bookmark was the crow quill, etc. Now, as I'm preparing RAPT for pixel, I am taking as my totem the back cover of the first issue with the "retranslation" of Magritte's famous painting, "This is not a Pipe".
So let's start there. Or as Gertrude Stein would have it: "I am beginning to begin at the beginning." This is not RAPT. This not A PLAIN BROWN RAPPORT. If you want the work delivered "wrapped in a plain brown wrapper," you must go to the world of PRINTED MATTER. Stay here and you will will find ongoing beginnings, retranslations, and erasures as form extends content and vice versa.
I'll leave my editor's note for the second issue of RAPT intact, if you promise to read this as both P.S. and preface.