Coffee, Eating Bagels, Trading War Stories
All of the Above and More
Morning introductions and exchange with one another.
Friday, June 22 at 9:30-10:30am at The Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge
What the F***
is Diversity?
An open dicussion hosted by Invisible Cities. Diversity: do you want
it? How do you get it? How much does it cost? And what the f*** is it anyway?
Friday, June 22 at 10:00-11:30am at The Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge
Email Wally Zialcita for more
The Next Generation
A chance to pick the "next generation's" brain. College theater students
(with concentrations in acting, directing, tech) share their ideas on the
nature (and future direction) of theatre.
Friday, June 22 at 11:30-1:00pm at The Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge
Email Cat Herbert for more
Shubin Salon
Here's an open space. What will you do with it? Will you teach a micro
workshop? Will you premiere your experimental performance piece? Will you
sit around and discuss the mechanics of the world and how to make it all
run better? It's up to you. Choose wisely.
Friday, June 22 at 1:00pm-5:00pm at The Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge
Email Carolyn West for more
Development of Scripts
While writing a book about Second City, Jeffrey Sweet found what he
was learning about improv was making him a better playwright. This workshop
-- for writers, actors and directors -- introduces through games and exercises
his theories on playmaking through improvisation.
Friday, June 22 at 1:00-3:00pm at the Brick Playhouse, 623 South
Email Jeffrey Sweet for more information
Unions and
Guilds and Communities
Roundtable discussion
How do unions and guilds function in the theatre artist's life and work
differently across the country? What do we mean by a theater community?
What is the artist's relationship to the greater community? How do the
unions we belong to help or hinder our development as a "professional"
in our community?
Friday, June 22 3:00-4:30pm at the Brick Playhouse, 623 South Street
Email Gabriele Schafer for
more information
Potluck Toward
a Potlatch
TCG and RAT Break Bread
Bring your favorite prepared dish or convenient store take-out and share
your thoughts on TCG and RAT. How can we serve each other?
Friday, June 22 5:00-7:00pm at The Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge
Email Gabriele Schafer for
more information
The Dynamics
of Ritual
Non-Frightening Interactive Workshop for Anyone
In this workshop, attendees will participate in a non-denominational
discussion (approx. 1 hour) on Ritual Dynamics which includes:
1. Internal Techniques (Meditation, Energy raising, Focus, Motion)
2. The Sacred Space (Polarities, Elements, and a bit of Psychogeography)
3. Dynamics of Group Ritual (Designing effective rituals, Potential
uses of group ritual)
4. Mystery Plays & Initiatory Journeys…Ritualizing the journey
from Point A to Point B
…followed by a somewhat spontaneous, mostly improvised, painless interactive
ritual designed and performed by attendees using concepts from the discussion.
Anyone who refuses to participate or ask questions will be sacrificed to
appease the great god Baal.
Friday, June 22 at 7:00-9:00pm at the Fleischer Art Memorial, 719
Catherine Street
Email Alfred Vitale for
more information
Three Minute
It's Lemonade and hors d'oeuvres. We are opening with the one act, Lemonade
and the three minute plays will follow. Everyone is planning to pitch in
and bring some lemonade (or other kind of 'ade) and hors d'oeurvres. Use
your imagination we are open to all offers.
Lemonade by Steve
The Dog by T. J.
Stump by Alex Dremann
This is Just Between
You and Me by V. F. Zialcita
Heirlooms by Carolyn
Absolute Absolution
by Bill McKinley
Russian Tea Set by
Colin Craig Wolfe
Twelves and Tens
by David Usner
When Will Wonderlust
Win by Bill McKinley
Sacrificial Lamb
by Carolyn West
Why Firemen Don't Live
At Home by V. F. Zialcita
Alas, Alack, I Stepped
on a Crack by V. F. Zialcita
Friday, June 22 at 10:00-Midnight at Theatre Double, 1619
Walnut Street
Email Susan Triggianni for more
Coffee, Eating Bagels, Trading War Stories
All of the Above and More
Morning introductions and exchange with one another.
Saturday, June 23 at 9:30-10:30am at The Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge
is Loud: Punk is Personal
Writing Workshop
The origins of punk: personal and political catharsis, broken rules,
loud noises. This workshop explodes the myth of the writer’s sound-proof
ivory tower. Punk does not seek to avoid distraction or to shut the world
out. We like noise. Noise is good. Bring your favorite CD.
Saturday, June 23 at 10:00-11:30am at the Brick Playhouse, 623 South
Email Leah Ryan for more information
Shubin Salon
Here's an open space. What will you do with it? Will you teach a micro
workshop? Will you premiere your experimental performance piece? Will you
sit around and discuss the mechanics of the world and how to make it all
run better? It's up to you. Choose wisely.
Saturday, June 23 at 10:30pm-7:00pm at The Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge
Email Carolyn West for more
Medium Hot/Medium
Cool/Medium Just Right
or Brecht Seizes TV
Brainstorming Session
Bertolt Brecht tried his luck with Hollywood and the new and powerful
medium of film, but was rejected, perhaps because his particular brand
of political theater was seen as a clear and present danger to commodity
capitalism. What would have happened if he had been given the keys to his
own network? Please come out for a discussion on how theater artists can
harness new media networks, and find ways to deepen their impact in local,
regional and international communities.
Saturday, June 23 at 10:00-11:30am at the Brick Playhouse, 623 South
Email Eric Galatas for more
Walking Tour
Old City Meets New Theatre
Five unique walking tours (with young directors from the Linconln Center
Directors Lab and others) that look at the city's past and present. These
separate tours will complete at the construction site of what the city
intends to be the future center piece of "Avenue of the Arts," the Kimmel
Center for the Performing Arts, a state-of-the-art performing arts complex
at Broad and Spruce Streets.
Saturday, June 23 at 12:00-1:30pm at various locations including
Old City, Avenue of the Arts, and South Street
Email Cat Herbert for more
The Director
and the Community
Roundtable Discussion
Directors are often "jobbed into" a city to do a play. They have no
knowledge of the community in which they have been planted. Yet they are
asked to direct a piece of theater that has relevance to an audience drawn
from that community. Fifty directors from the Lincoln Center Theatre Directors
Lab will arrive in Philadelphia by bus at noon. Five or six guides will
meet the bus and, starting from different Philly locations, each walk a
separate small group of directors from South Street, Old City, and other
locales in varying routes toward Theatre Double in Center City. There
we will discuss, Rashomon style, the impressions of Philadelphia as colored
by each guide’s individual presentation.
Saturday, June 23 at 1:30-3:00pm at Theatre Double, 1619 Walnut Street
Email Nick Fracaro
for more information
Can-do Spanish
Talk and writing workshop
Exploration of the Spanish Mystics Rules for Writing - Teresa, John
of the Cross, Lorca and the path to meaning. We will look at the idea of
the Sacred Fool and work out ways to become more of both. After post-modernism,
we're moving to a meta-sense; we want to communicate, but on frankly mystical
terms. WTO protests seem to work this way - not manifestos, but manifestations.
Work through St. Teresa's idea of the Interior Castle, with examples from
music, and exercises for writers.
Saturday, June 23 at 4:00-7:00pm at the Fleischer Art Memorial, 719
Catherine Street
Email Erik Ehn for
more information
Five and Ten
Minute Plays
Now for the Five and Dime plays and players. These will be five
to ten
minute performances plus one act plays, solo performances and
8pm - The Acme Miniature Circus -- An authentic
Victorian style flea circus. Trained fleas perform Spectacular Circus Stunts
As Seen Before (And on top of) The Crowned Heads of Europe.
Part performance art, part sideshow, and part entomological derring do.
This show has received rave reviews and sellout crowds from Boston to Brazil.
Come see the show that the Minneapolis Star-Tribune called "A Wacky Witty
Creature Feature" and about which the Los Angeles Times said "Adam Gertsacov
holds the audience (and the performers) in the palm of his hand."
Followed by:
Anais, and Me written and
performed by Nulita Friaz
I'm Only Kidding by Alan
Welcome Aboard by Cat Hebert
How St. Patrick got the Snakes
Out of Ireland by T J Stokes
The King Saves Dubya by
Lars Peterson
Open Mike
and others....we'll keep ya posted.
Saturday, June 23 at 8:00pm-Midnight at Theatre Double, 1619 Walnut
Email Susan Triggianni for more
Drinking Coffee, Eating
Bagels, Trading War Stories
All of the Above and More
Morning introductions and exchange with one another.
Sunday, June 24 at 9:30-10:30am at the Brick Playhouse Lobby, 623
South Street
Between Living
and Acting and Performing
Talk and interactive demonstrations
Obscurity is like fame only different. Solo performance and other methods
of integrating art and life. An investigation of the permeable Fourth Wall
and the methods of conflating elements of autobiograghy, biograghy, invention,
and presence in order to produce fictive realities on and off stage. A
study of persona, image, character and the audience.
Sunday, June 24 at 10:00am-Noon at the Brick Playhouse Lobby, 623
South Street
Email Nick Fracaro for more
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