at Frank Theatre, Minneapolis, MN
February 29 - March 3, 1996
Welcoming remarks by host Wendy Knox, Artistic Director, Frank Theatre
Viewing of deKooning exhibit at the Walker Arts Center
Luncheon meeting at Walker Arts Center cafeteria
-- seminar led by Michael ("Mickey") Lupu, Dramaturg, The Guthrie
-- topic: "Traditional vs. Alternative Theater, Where Do We Go From Here?"
Harlequin theatre-of-infiltration performance piece at the Walker's permanent collection wing
entitled "Yellabelly"
Working dinner -- Topic: "Southwestern vs. Tex-Mex: Furniture or Food? Where Do We Go
From Here?"
Holy Day "Welcome to RAT III" cocktail reception, Frank Theatre lobby
Pilgrimage to the Mall of America in observance of R.A.T. Holy Day: Legoland, Camp Snoopy,
Wilderniss Station; communion offered at Player's sports bar and grill
Nightcaps for the nightowls, culminating in 37 bottles of beer on the wall left standing
FRIDAY, March 1
Ten Thousand Things Developmental Workshop at Friends' Center led by Michelle Hensley,
Artistic Director, Ten Thousand Things
Advanced Directing Seminar at the Univesity of Minnesota headed by Wendy Knox
Guided tour of Uptown area of Minneapolis with Fred Yadkin, Director of Mayoral E-mail
Luncheon meeting at Frank Theatre cafeteria
--"Soup in the Kitchen, Meat on the Bread: Artistic Survival in the 90's--Where Do We Go
From Here?"
Site visit at the Southern Theater, presenter of alternative works
Demonstration of lighting techniques by Jeff Bartlett, Artistic Director of the Southern and
lighting designer
Afternoon small-group work session: "Behind the 8-Ball: the Arts Situation in the Twin
Cities -- Where Do We Go From Here?" Led by Jerry Sullivan
Cocktail hour at Lee's Liquors
Working dinner at Green Mill restaurant
Performance: "Diva X," featuring Daniel Jones (winner of "Best ot the Fest" at Frontera)
at Patrick's Cabaret, Djola Branner (of Pomo Afro Homos) and Brian Chapman-Evans
Party at Frank: Jaegermeister Fest
SATURDAY, March 2,
Individual work/study/discussion groups
10,000 Things workshop with Erik "Where do we go from here" Ehn
Discretionary audit of auditions for Minnesota Center for Arts Education led by Wendy Knox
(Frank) and Jeff Bartlett (Southern)
"Meet and Greet" happy hour festivities and script exchange in Frank Theatre lobby
Grand Banquet, 7:00pm, Frank Theatre Headquarters, followed by social hour, cocktails and
coronation of RAT royalty.
Late night work session in Frank conference room with: New Music Theatre Ensemble, Ruth
Margraff and Thieves Theatre
SUNDAY, March 3
R.A.T. working brunch at Bryant Lake Bowl (1:00pm) --Discussion of site specific work
Literary work/research group
"The Homeless -- So What?" A new view of art seen through Dorothea Lange's photography --
Minnesota Institute for the Arts
Use of Masks in Transformation Rituals -- interactive presentation at Minneapolis Institute for the
"Mirror Exercises as Exploration of Identity Exchange -- Where Do We Go From Here?" led by
Gabriele Schafer (Thieves) and Wendy Knox (Frank)
Closing ceremony and thank you, Frank Theatre Headquarters
Final Procession to the Mall of America. Photo session. Closing seminar: "Tracking the $$$
through the MOA: An Exploration of Legoland and Other Attractions as Training for Young
Transport to Airport, Final Libation -- "Where Do We Go From Here"
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